Egg Layer ChickShaw
Last week I completed the egg layer ChickShaw, thanks to the plans from Justin Rhodes ( )
This coop allows me to easily move the layers around the pasture more easily than the chicken tractors! It also provides a nice cozy spot for the layers to lay their eggs. The tractors were designed for meat birds, so they didn’t accommodate the layers once they reached laying age.
Here are a few pictures. Wish I had taken some as it was being built! Will have to do that on the next one!
BTW, eggs should start showing up any day now. They will be sold as pasture-raised and organic-fed for $6 a dozen.
Their first look at the new coop. I had to keep them in it for 2 nights before they OK’d it as their new home.
The layers like to hang out below the coop to keep out of the hot hot sun!
That egg in there isnt a real egg…its wooden and used as a training egg.